The RGB Root Matriz Color Knotter Map

by Danielle Gauthier

This program is inspired by the ecofeminist pluriverse and feminist perspectives on family-making and crafting. It is used for telepathic communication and other forms of poetic linguistic navigation programming. To use this deterministic model for knots, 0-9 in the root matriz color:

  1. Enter an obstacle in the first textbox.
  2. Answer the reference questions.
  3. Hit Enter and you will get results.
Color RGB Coordinates Direction
grey (180, 180, 180) cover
pink (250, 0, 50) category
gold (250, 200, 0) pull
rainbow - return
nude (250, 180, 120) approach
orange (250, 130, 0) hit
transparent - connect
white (255, 255, 255) hope
blue (0, 0, 255) collect
green (0, 255, 0) transition
red (255, 0, 0) limit
black (0, 0, 0) order
brown (130, 50, 0) learn
none - fiddle
yellow (255, 255, 0) structure
purple (180, 50, 255) free
